Academic Policy and Regulations

2021–2022 Graduation Requirements for Undergraduates

The academic requirements outlined in the catalog at the time of a student's matriculation into a program of study are generally normative for graduation.

If a student withdraws or is dismissed from the University and subsequently reenters, he/she must observe the catalog requirements in effect at reentry.

Although academic advisors are available to assist students in fulfilling major and graduation requirements, the ultimate responsibility for these matters rests with the student. All undergraduate students entering the University fall semester 1995, or after, must fulfill the following general requirements:

A minimum of 120 credits for a baccalaureate-level program. For specific credits see program requirements listed under each degree/major. The minimum required credits are normally arrived at by a defined combination of:

  1. Satisfactory completion of the course standards and specific requirements in the student's major program. See specific degree/major requirements in this catalog.
    1. ​University core requirements - to explore important college themes, develop crucial skills, and prepare for lifelong learning.
    2. Program, or professional requirements - to complete curricula established by the academic department responsible for the major area of study.
    3. General elective credit — to encourage additional study in areas of interest and to accumulate credits required for a degree.
  2. Fourth (senior) year in residence.
  3. Submission, by the student, of an online Application for Graduation no later than January 30 prior to intended commencement in May. Application for August graduation (no ceremony) is due by June 30 and December graduation (no ceremony) is due September 30.
  4. Satisfaction of all Business Office obligations.
  5. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Higher grade point requirements may apply in certain programs. Refer to departmental and degree/major requirements.


A fourth-year student who expects to complete degree requirements by the conclusion of the following fall semester with two courses (typically 6-8 credits*) or less of outstanding degree requirements may opt to:

  1. Participate in the May commencement prior to his/her last semester (diploma to be issued after completion of studies); or
  2. Participate in the May commencement following his/her last semester.

*A student might have greater than 6-8 credits if the two courses involve clinical, practicum, or internship study. Learning Assistance Center and developmental mathematics courses do not carry degree credits for fulfillment of graduation requirements.

2021–2022 Petition to Graduate and Receipt of Diploma

In the last year of enrollment, students who anticipate completion of all degree requirements must submit an online petition to graduate. The Petition to Graduate form is available via the "Apply to Graduate" link in U-Online. The completed form sets into motion all final processing towards verification of the degree completion, correct spelling of name on the diploma, correct mailing address, and indication of plans to participate in the commencement ceremony.

If a mailing address should change after submission of the form, the student is responsible for notifying the Registrar's office of a new address. It is the goal of the office to verify/post degree completions and mail out diplomas within six to eight weeks of a student's completion of studies.

Commencement is held at the end of each spring semester (usually May) and students who successfully complete all degree requirements per academic policy are considered to be in the "Class of...[that particular year]." Student names must be approved, on recommendation of the faculty, by the Board of Trustees prior to being authorized a degree and diploma from the University of New England.

Under some circumstances, verification of degree completion may be possible for students who complete all of their degree requirements prior to the end of the semester. Requests of degree completion letters should be made to the Office of the University Registrar.

 Guidelines for submission of the petition to graduate form are as follows:

If graduation is anticipated by the end of Submit the petition to graduate by
Summer Semester June 30
Fall Semester September 30
Spring Semester January 30

The degree awarded date will correspond to the term where the last course requirement was completed and graded. The exception is where one or more courses are completed late (after the end of the term in which the course was provided). In the case of late completion of course requirements (e.g due to an "Incomplete" grade), the degree will be awarded in the current term (in progress) when the final course requirements are completed. This practice is consistent with graduation reporting to external sources. Further information regarding graduation procedures can be obtained through the Office of the University Registrar or by launching the following link:

2021–2022 Residency Requirements

Any course offered for credit by the University of New England is designated as residence or campus credit. This may include University-sponsored off-campus experiences including internships, distance learning, exchange programs, and consortium courses.

Bachelor’s Degree

For a baccalaureate degree, students must complete at least 30 of the last 45 credits in residence at the University of New England.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who are pursuing a second bachelor’s degree must complete at least 30 semester hours in residence once the first degree is finished. If the first degree is from the University of New England, the same requirements apply as the first bachelor’s degree.

A waiver of residency requirements may be obtained by written request from the Office of the University Registrar, University of New England, 11 Hills Beach Road, Biddeford, Maine 04005. The student’s advisor and the appropriate College Dean’s Office will carefully review each request. Requestors should receive written notification of the decision within one month of submission.

For more information see:

2021–2022 Academic Load

An undergraduate student's normal academic load ranges from 12 to 18 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. Students must obtain advisor permission to enroll in 19 or 20 academic credits per semester and must obtain the academic dean's permission to enroll in greater than 20 credits. A student must register for a minimum of 12 credits per semester in order to maintain status as a full-time student. A student attempting more than 18 credits during a semester will be subject to an overload charge at the part-time per-credit tuition rate.

Semester and Semester Hour Credit

Semester: A calendar 15 weeks of instructional time or its equivalent in effort.

Federal Definition of the Credit Hour

Federal regulation defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than 

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester.
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practical, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

2021–2022 Registration and Enrollment Confirmation

Students matriculated in any undergraduate program must be pre-approved to register for courses, or change course registration, through their advisor. First-time students will be registered by the Registrar's office staff and will go through a new student orientation where they receive their course schedule. Returning students can preregister for courses at dates established in the University's Academic Calendar.

Course registration must be confirmed through Registrar's office. This is accomplished only after matriculated students have cleared all other offices on campus, i.e., Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Health Center, Security, or other offices through which arrangements must be made in order to become fully enrolled at the University. All students must confirm their enrollment at the beginning of each semester within certain timelines by methods identified by Registrar's office. Instructions regarding enrollment confirmation are e-mailed to each student. 

Course changes are allowed during a designated add/drop period only, as specified on the current academic calendar. Detailed instructions, as well as designated timelines regarding the add/drop process, are e-mailed to each student. Tuition and/or financial aid may be adjusted, depending on the number of credit hours enrolled.

2021–2022 Reinstatement

Reinstatement to the University after a Leave of Absence will require written communication from the student's official UNE email stating they wish to be reinstated as a student for a given term. In some cases, if leave exceeds allotted leave time, the student will need to contact Admissions to complete a re-admission application. If a re-admission application is required, this will change the student's catalog year and possibly their degree requirements.

2021–2022 Classification

Student-level, or classification, is pertinent to financial aid eligibility, class year, student organizations, information systems, and other post-secondary-related institutions or nomenclature. The chart below is intended to clarify student classification:

Minimum Credits Earned Towards UNE Degree:

Year Terminology Credits
First-Year Freshman 1–23
Second-Year Sophomore 24–56
Third-Year Junior 57–89
Fourth-Year Senior 90–120
Fifth-Year Fifth-Year *

*Beyond Baccalaureate Degree

2021–2022 Class Attendance

All students are expected to attend all classes for which they have registered. Attendance policies regarding unexcused absences are established and announced by the individual instructor for his/her classes. If a student is absent to the extent that his/her work is adversely affected, the instructor will report the student's absence to the department chair/program director with comments on the status of the student in the course. Ordinarily, for each course, absences per semester should not exceed the number of times that the course meets weekly.

Whenever a student is specifically reported in writing by an instructor to the department chair/program director as being excessively absent from class, the instructor, with the approval of the department chair/program director, may drop the student from that course with an appropriate grade.

When a student misses class for any religious observances, it is an excused absence. The student should not suffer any academic penalty because of this absence. Before the absence, the student is responsible for initiating collaboration with faculty to arrange to obtain all information contained in each missed class. The student must plan, at the discretion of the faculty member, to take any missed exam either prior to or following the scheduled exam time. All assignments must be handed in on time.

2021–2022 Athletic Competition and Class Attendance

When an athlete misses class for a scheduled varsity intercollegiate competition, it is an excused absence. The student athlete should not suffer any academic penalty because of this absence. This policy does not apply to students on clinical rotations.

When such absences occur, the student athlete is responsible for initiating collaboration with faculty and making arrangements to obtain all information and/or training contained in each missed class. The athlete must make arrangements to take exams scheduled for a day of absence early or late, at the instructor's preference. All assignments must be handed in on time.

Faculty are not required to remediate student athletes as a result of these absences.

2021–2022 Examinations

Finals week is part of each 16 week semester (15 weeks of courses and 1 week of final exams). The University expects all undergraduate courses to include appropriate procedures for evaluating student performance unless the department chairperson/program director and the dean of the college have granted an exception. For many undergraduate courses, these procedures will include a final exam, a final paper or project, or some other cumulative activity appropriate to the discipline and to the course.

All final examinations must be given during the one-week period set aside by the University for this purpose, and final examinations must be given at the time specified on the Registrar's Final Examination Schedule.

No final papers, projects, or exams may be due during the last week of a course. With rare exceptions, undergraduate courses should have a final exam and/or paper/project that is due during final exams week. All courses are assigned a final examination time and room within the final examination week except the following:

  • Labs
  • Research Courses
  • Internships/Practicums/Clinical/Field Work

Information on the use of the final examination period and its duration should be provided within the course syllabus. Although the final examination schedule is not published by the Registrar's Office until approximately the fifth week of the semester, instructors should include as much information about the final exam schedule as possible in the syllabus. This includes its duration and a reminder to students not to plan travel until the exam date and time are announced.

Whether assessed by a final examination, final paper or culminating project, all undergraduate grades are due by Noon on the Monday following Final Exam Week.

2021–2022 Undergraduate Grading System

The following grading system is presently in effect: A, A- (outstanding work), B+, B, B- (excellent work), C-,C ,C-(satisfactory work), D (passing but not satisfactory work), F (failure), P (pass), I (incomplete), W (withdrew without penalty), WP (withdrew passing), WF (withdrew failing), *F (administrative F, assigned to incompletes which haven't been completed within designated time), and AU (audit). NG is assigned when instructors do not assign grades.

Grade Equivalent quality points assigned to grade
A 4.00
A- 3.75
B+ 3.50
B 3.00
B- 2.75
C+ 2.50
C 2.00
C- 1.75
D 1.00
F 0

Note: Students may not elect to take a course that satisfies a core requirement on a pass/fail basis.

2021–2022 Grade Changes

Students with questions regarding the accuracy of a grade should contact the appropriate instructor for resolution. If a change of grade is justified, the instructor will forward a Faculty Request to Change a Grade form to the Registrar's Office. Grade changes will not be processed for students who are two semesters beyond separation from either the course in which the grade was assigned or from the University, or for a student whose degree has been awarded.

2021–2022 Audit Policy

A student may, with prior consent of the instructor, enroll in a course for an audit grade ("AU"). This must be done at the time of registration for the course and must be accompanied by signed approval of the instructor. This applies to both matriculated and non-matriculated students. Reversal or change of and audit grade is not possible (i.e., once enrolled for "AU" the grade becomes permanent on a student's academic record). The student who wishes later to be graded for such a course must re-enroll in and pay for graded credit. In auditing a course, the student is expected to attend classes regularly but is not permitted to submit course work for evaluation, take examinations, receive grades, or earn credit. Auditing a course does not count towards enrollment status (i.e., part-time, full-time, etc.) and therefore cannot be considered for financial aid purposes, veterans benefits, etc. Audit courses carry zero credit.

2021–2022 Pass/Fail Policy

Undergraduate students who wish to enroll in a course on a pass/fail basis may do so by notifying the Registrar no later than 15 class days into the given semester on a form provided for this purpose. The decision to take a course pass/fail is final. Note: Students may not elect to take a course that satisfies a core requirement on a pass/fail basis.

Passing represents earned grades of an assigned A through C-. Most elective courses are open to pass/fail enrollment except courses in major fields and English composition and courses satisfying core requirements. Students may register for not more than one course per semester on a pass/fail basis not to exceed eight courses in a degree program. Students in health science programs should consult their departmental requirements for exceptions to the pass/fail policy.

2021–2022 Incomplete Policy

An incomplete (I) grade notation may be given by the instructor to a student who is doing passing work in a course, but who, for reasons beyond his/her control, is not able to complete the work on time. The I grade notation must be changed within the time limit determined by the instructor and may not extend beyond six weeks following the end of the semester or 30 days following the end of an eight-week session. Until changed, the I grade notation defers computation of credits and grade points for the course to which it is assigned. Failure to complete the work before the limitation date, or within the time imposed by the instructor, results in the assignment of an administrative *F grade for the course. Some programs have established more restrictive or differing policy regarding incomplete grades. Students should consult the program in which they are enrolled for exceptions to this policy. Once an I grade notation is removed, academic standing will be updated according to good standing or probationary standards. If one or more courses are completed late (after the end of the term in which the course was provided due to an "I" grade), then the degree awarded date (if applicable) will be posted in the current term (in progress) when the final course requirements are completed. This practice is consistent with graduation reporting to external sources. Students receiving Incompletes are not eligible for Dean's List.

2021–2022 Course Withdrawal Policy*

In the fall and spring semesters, a student may withdraw from a course without academic penalty with a grade of W at any time during the first two-thirds of the semester as specified in the current academic calendar. If withdrawal occurs after that date, the grade of WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing) will be entered. The grade of WF is computed in the grade point average.

*A Withdrawal from a course(s) at any point after the Add/Drop period will be reported to the National Student Clearinghouse. A withdrawal that changes a student’s enrollment status could impact repayment of loans/deferment of loans.

2021–2022 Leave of Absence Policy

A leave of absence for a specified period of time, not to exceed one (1) academic year, may be granted to a matriculated student with the authorization of the academic dean, program/school director or designate and upon completion of the required Request for Leave of Absence form available from the respective program/school director, Student Affairs, Registrar's office or online. A student who is on an approved leave of absence has the status "active/not enrolled" and may not may enroll in courses for credit at another institution. Application for readmission is not necessary if the student returns as planned; however, the student who does not return at the specified time will be administratively withdrawn and will be subject to readmission procedures. A student returning from a leave of absence should contact the Registrar's Office well in advance of returning semester so that status changes are made allowing the student to access courses. Policy on leave of absence tuition credit is found in respective Financial Information sections of this catalog. Students with Financial Aid should meet with a Financial Aid representative prior to completing leave of absence paperwork.

Note: It is the responsibility of the student to contact the office of the appropriate academic dean or program/school director (graduate) or Registrar (undergraduate) to indicate change of plans.

2021–2022 University Withdrawal

All matriculated students who wish to withdraw from the University must complete notification documentation available online. Documentation must be signed by designated academic and administrative authorities. Student responsibilities include: (a) knowledge of the University's policies regarding refund of tuition and/or fees as stated in your respective catalog; (b) return of University identification (ID) card to the Office of Student Affairs; (c) return of any University keys in your possession to the appropriate departments. The University reserves the right to withhold the issuance of refunds and transcripts until the process has been completed. Following withdrawal, any student wishing to re-enroll at the University of New England must apply through the Office of Admissions.

2021–2022 Repeat Course Policy

A student may repeat a course in order to improve his/her grade. However, only the second or last course taken will receive credit on the student's transcript, and only the second or last grade received will calculate into the cumulative GPA.

2021–2022 Course Work at Another Institution

Matriculated student who wish to transfer college-level course work taken at other institutions must obtain permission to do so prior to enrolling at another institution.  The Application for Transfer Course Work form is located under student forms on the University Registrar’s webpage or through the University Registrar’s Office.

Eligible credit must be earned from a regionally accredited college or university recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). International universities must be recognized according to its country’s regulations. International academic transcripts must be credentialed by World Education Services (WES).  Undergraduate international applicants may also use The Center for Educational Documentation. 

  1.  The posting of transfer credit for approved courses will be completed by the Admissions Office or the University Registrar’s Office upon the receipt of an official transcript. An official transcript is one that corresponds with the credit granting institution’s definition of “official” and is received directly from that institution by the University of New England’s Admissions or University Registrar’s Offices.  When a course description is not sufficient, a syllabus may be requested. The threshold of majority match in course outcomes will be used to determine course equivalence (1:1); otherwise an elective will be assigned. A transfer course that is not a 1:1 equivalent is assigned elective credit at the appropriate level; i.e. a 100-level will be noted as 100 level, a 200-level will be noted as 200 level, etc.
  2. Transfer credit will be granted for those courses completed with a grade C- or higher. Each course grade earned is held to the University’s grade rules for the degree and program requirements. Some programs at the University of New England impose higher grade cutoffs and/or time restrictions on the age of the coursework that can be transferred.  This information can be found on the individual catalog page related to the program.
  3. All courses will be evaluated for potential transfer, with only a maximum of 63 credits eligible for transfer.  Not all credits transferred will necessarily apply toward completion of core or degree requirements.   A transfer course is identified with the grade of “TR”.  Grade quality points are not awarded or calculated into a University of New England cumulative grade point average. 
  4. All credit hours earned will be assigned for transfer. When a transfer course has fewer credits than an equivalent UNE course, the course may transfer (as equivalent) if outcomes have been met for the UNE course, but only the credit hours earned will be applied.
  5. Grades earned at other institutions as course repeats do not replace those earned at the University of New England. 
  6. A transfer student must meet residency requirements to be eligible for a degree.  When a student’s transfer credit hour exceeds transfer limitations, additional course requirements will be arranged between the Advisor or the Department Chair and the student to ensure that the student meets the residency requirement.
  7. Quarter credit hours or units will be converted to semester credits. A quarter credit is divided by 1.5.

Approved study abroad

Matriculated students who wish to receive credit for a 3rd Party Study Abroad Program must obtain permission to do so. The form is available at the study abroad website. The student should work closely with his/her advisor and the Global Education Office regarding this process. Approved Request for Study Abroad Coursework forms are required prior to departure.

Study abroad transfer credit

UNE works only with fully accredited study abroad programs. All courses offered abroad through approved programs are eligible for transfer credit.

With proper planning, study abroad should not interfere with your time to graduate. It is important to work closely with your academic advisor and a the Global Education Office Study to determine which courses to take abroad, how the courses will transfer to UNE, and how they will fit with your degree progress toward graduation. Be aware that:

  • Grades earned abroad are listed on the UNE transcript as “TR” and are not computed in the GPA.
  • A grade of C- or better is required for undergraduate credits to transfer.
  • UNE Program and Departmental requirements for specific courses may also apply

Categories of transfer courses

While preparing to study abroad, students will complete a Request for Study Abroad Coursework form which will determine transfer credit equivalencies.

Exact Equivalency are designated only when it is clear from the course description that the content of the study abroad course is equivalent to a course offered at UNE. For example, “POS 201 Environmental Politics” at the University of New Brunswick in Canada transfers as “PSC 204 Intro to Politics & the Environment.”

Same Subject Elective are study abroad courses for which UNE has a comparable subject area, but not an exact course equivalent. For example, “POS 201 Introduction to Policy” at the University of New Brunswick in Canada transfers as “POS 299 Political Science Elective” indicating that the subject area is Political Science, it is a 200-level course at UNE, and the “99” indicates that it is an elective.

General Elective are study abroad courses for which UNE does not offer courses in the specific subject area. General Elective: “are study abroad courses for which UNE does not offer courses in the specific subject area are listed as “ELE 299 General Elective.”

2021–2022 Semester and Term Grade Reports

Semester and term grade reports are issued after examinations have been held at the close of each semester or term and are viewable on U-Online. Semester and term grades reported by faculty members to the Registrar's office are final. Notices of deficiency, if reported, will be viewable at mid-semester on U-Online. 

2021–2022 Academic Probation and Dismissal

The student who is attempting six credits or more and whose grade point average (GPA) for any semester falls below 1.70 or whose cumulative grade point average is below the minimum acceptable level is automatically placed on probation. A student placed on academic probation will be granted one fall, spring semester or summer term to raise his/her cumulative GPA to the minimum acceptable level and will be required to achieve a minimum GPA of 1.70 for the semester. Failure to meet both of these criteria will result in automatic dismissal from the University for academic deficiency. Following dismissal, any student wishing to re-enroll at the University of New England must apply through the Office of Admissions.

A student on academic probation is ineligible to participate in major extracurricular activities, including intercollegiate athletics, or to serve as officer or director of any student activity.

Semester Minimum cumulative semester-end GPA
First Year 1.70
Fall of Second Year 1.70
Spring of Second Year 1.80
Fall of Third Year 1.80
Spring of Third Year 1.90
Fall of Fourth Year 1.90

Note: A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation. Higher levels of the minimum acceptable semester and/or cumulative GPA may be established by individual departments or academic programs.

2021–2022 Academic Honors

The Dean's List contains the names of full-time matriculating students in good academic standing who have attained a semester grade point average of 3.30 or better. The student must have earned at least 12 credits. A grade of D,F, or I automatically prohibits a student from receiving this citation. A student must have a minimum of three courses other than pass/fail in order to be named to the Dean's List with the exception of individual courses offered for 8–15 credits.

2021–2022 Alpha Chi National College Honor Society

Alpha Chi is a national college honor scholarship society, founded in 1922, with membership limited to third- and fourth-year students enrolled in institutions with Alpha Chi chapters. To be eligible for active membership, a student must be in the top 10 percent of the third or fourth year.

2021–2022 Citation of Achievement at Graduation

Citations for identified cumulative grade point accomplishments are noted at graduation and are posted to the student's academic record. Effective with the graduating Class of 2011, honors are based on all academic coursework completed at UNE. Undergraduate degrees will be conferred per the following classifications:

Summa Cum Laude on students who have achieved a cumulative grade point (GPA) average between 3.80–4.00.
Magna Cum Laude on students who have achieved a cumulative GPA between 3.60–3.79.
Cum Laude on students who have achieved a cumulative GPA between 3.30–3.59.

2021–2022 Declaration and Change of Major

If Undeclared, before March 15 of the second year, a student is required to make a formal declaration of major using the appropriate form available from Registration Services. Students declaring majors in marine biology, medical biology, and elementary education are asked to declare by the end of the first year. This declaration must be signed by the advisor and the chair/director of the major department. The declared major must be an existing, approved academic program of study. See undergraduate catalog (majors) for existing programs of study.

Personal major (College of Arts and Sciences only)

In exceptional circumstances College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) students may propose a personal major as an alternate to a traditional academic major degree program. Personal major degree programs must have sponsorship of an academic department within CAS and approval of the CAS Dean’s office. To receive approval of a personal major degree program an undergraduate student must work collaboratively with college/department faculty and the CAS academic dean to design and describe a proposed comprehensive program that combines core curriculum, departmental requirements, and a course of study reflecting the student's personal scholarly interests. Approval to begin planning and eventually submit a personal major proposal must be obtained through the CAS Dean’s office. To be eligible for consideration of a personal major, students must be in their second year of study and are required to have a minimum 2.50 overall GPA. A student pursuing a Personal Major must matriculate, without exception, the equivalent of one full academic year, full time status (30 credit hour minimum) after the approval of his/her degree program. Additional policies and procedures regarding proposal protocols are available through the CAS Dean’s office.

2021–2022 Academic Minors

The University of New England offers the option for students to petition for a minor program of study. A "minor" is a structured plan of study outside the student's major. A student must have a declared major prior to declaring a minor. See undergraduate catalog (minors) for available options. The minimum amount of credits required for a minor is 18 credits. Minors do not appear on UNE diplomas.

2021–2022 Student Advising

The University of New England assigns professional advisors and faculty mentors to each first- and second-year student. Third- and fourth-year students will transition to have their faculty mentor as their primary advisor. Students are required to visit an advisor at least once a semester and during important milestones. Advisors serve as the student's primary resource for academic and career guidance planning.

2021–2022 Student Records and Transcripts

Academic Records

Complete records and related documents are maintained in Registrar's office, Decary Hall for 5 years after separation from the University. Under the terms of the Buckley/Pell Amendment to the Family Educational and Privacy Act (FERPA), students have the right to review and inspect all official records, files, and data, including all material that is incorporated into each student's cumulative record folder. However, the Department of Health and Human Services has said that clarifying amendments provide that letters of recommendation submitted on the basis of a pledge of confidentiality prior to January 1, 1975 need not be shown to students, and that a student may be allowed but not required to waive his/her right of access to letters of recommendation received after that date. Under the terms of the Buckley/Pell Amendment, post-secondary institutions must provide students not only access to official records directly related to them, but also an opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. It is the right of students to file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services concerning an alleged failure by an educational agency or institution to comply with section 438 of the Act that guarantees such rights. University students wishing to review their records may do so by providing a written request to Registration Services at least 48 hours in advance of the desired appointment.

Student Conduct Records

Student conduct records and related files are maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students in the Student Affairs offices on each campus. Student conduct records/files are maintained under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

  1. All student conduct and related files are maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students for a period of no less than four years after separation from the University. Records may be destroyed at that time. Disciplinary records may be retained for longer periods of time or permanently if specified in the terms of disciplinary sanctions.
  2. Disciplinary records may be voided by the Dean of Students Office with the concurrence of an Appeals Committee for good cause based upon written petition by student(s).
  3. Denials of petitions to void disciplinary records may be appealed to the vice president of academic affairs.

2021–2022 Student Access and Annual Notification

FERPA (see above) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. The student should submit a written request, that identifies the records which they wish to inspect, to Registrar's office. The office will notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students should write to the University Registrar, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If it is determined not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding hearing procedures will accompany this notification.
  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her task; or the Veterans Administration for students registered for various GI Bill programs. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failure(s) by the University of New England to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

2021–2022 Directory Information and Disclosure

The University normally will not supply non-related organizations with personally identifiable student information, including directory information. Two exceptions to this policy are:

The USA Patriot Act

Section 507 of the USA PATRIOT ACT amends FERPA by permitting educational agencies and institutions to disclose - without the consent or knowledge of the student or parent - personally identifiable information from the student's education records to the Attorney General of the United States or to his designee in response to an ex parte order in connection with the investigation or prosecution of terrorism crimes. In addition, the school is not required to record such disclosures.

The Solomon Amendment

The Solomon Amendment explicitly states that military recruiters must be given equal access to that provided other recruiters. UNE is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of "student recruiting information," upon request.

For this purpose, directory information is defined as:

  • Student's Full Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • UNE Email Address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Classification and level
  • Dates of Attendance
  • Enrollment Status
  • Most Previous educational institution attended
  • Participation in sports
  • Height/Weight for members of an athletic team
  • Major
  • Degree Received
  • Picture

Active students who wish to have directory information withheld from release must do so in writing. Request forms are available in the Office of the University Registrar at either campus. Requests to restrict release of directory information will remain in effect until revoked in writing by the student.

Response Time and End-of-Term Processing

Due to production demands in registration services (both campuses), requests for student records services cannot be processed on demand. Students are advised to plan on a three-to-five-business day turn-around on requests.

At the end of each fall and spring semester, Registration Services must process significant volumes of grades, completions, and verifications after all final grades are submitted by instructors. This end-of-term processing is not finished for a minimum of two weeks after the last final exam.

For students graduating at the end of spring semester degree verification, posting, and diploma printing/mailing must be done after end-of-term grades are processed. Diplomas are not normally mailed for a minimum of six-eight weeks after the last final exam. Students are advised to anticipate waiting these periods of time, and should plan ahead when working with employers, graduate schools, agencies, or licensing bureaus when ordering transcripts, grade reports, or degree verifications.

2021–2022 Transcripts

No official transcript will be issued until all financial obligations have been met. Transcripts are issued only at the written and signed request of the student.

The purpose of this policy is to protect the privacy of the individual concerned and to minimize the possibility of the use of another's transcripts for fraudulent purposes. Students are advised to plan on a three-to-five-business day turn-around on requests.

Official transcripts are normally issued directly to other educational institutions or prospective employers designated by the student. Official transcripts issued to the student for purposes of transport to another party can be provided in a sealed envelope but will be considered unofficial if opened by the student. Unsealed transcripts issued directly to students are considered unofficial and may be stamped Issued to Student.

Please note: GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Website at

2021–2022 Student Enrollment Status

The University of New England classifies student credit load status for the purposes of financial aid loan deferments. The following table applies credit hour enrollment to full time, 3/4 time, and half time status.

Program Classification Credits
Undergraduate Full Time 12.0 or more
Undergraduate 3/4 Time 9.0–11.9
Undergraduate Half Time 6.0–8.9
Undergraduate Less than Half Time 1.0–5.9

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the University of New England for the 2021–2022 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication April 30, 2021.

The University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.