Learn Conservation and Sustainability on the Maine Coast

On UNE’s unique coastal Maine campus, you’ll be reminded every day of the importance of your education as an Environmental Science major. With a 540-acre natural wonderland for you to explore, our program combines natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities to teach you about conservation, preservation, and restoration of ecosystems; environmental and economic sustainability; and climate change.

From the oceans to the forests, riverbanks, and marshes, our campus is your living laboratory for studying the science you’ll need in your professional quest to address the health of our planet.

A professor and student hold up ends of a net while standing in a grassy field
An environmental science student stands in the middle of a vernal pool looking for tadpoles

Why UNE for Your B.S. in Environmental Science

A diverse array of on-campus habitats, including dunes, wetlands, 363 acres of deciduous and coniferous forest, a mile of coastline, and our University-owned island, are home to flora and fauna that provide almost limitless opportunities for research and fieldwork, including:

  • Hands-on, problem-based learning with strong local applications
  • First-year interdisciplinary Green Learning Community
  • Opportunities to gain professional skills by working collaboratively with partner organizations on conservation projects in southern Maine
  • Local, national, and international internships
  • Senior capstone class
Marlie Perkins

Marlie Perkins ’18

Animal Behavior, Environmental Science


The summer before I came to UNE, a professor from the Department of Environmental Studies contacted me and asked me if I wanted to participate in the first-year Green Learning Community (GLC) program.

For the GLC, you take a series of 1.5-credit courses during your first year, and you are in all of your classes with the same group of people. There are two different groups — Group A and Group B. You take a different version of biology than the typical first-year requirement. Then there are other classes that you take with your specific group of people, like Literature of Nature, Environmental Issues, and Environmental Economics. You also take a lot of field trips together. Everyone in my group got so close during that first year. We spent a lot of time with the faculty too. It was really cool. After first year, I had built that foundation with my classmates, and it was so nice.

The whole Environmental Studies Department feels like a family. Everyone made me feel involved in the program on a personal level rather than strictly an academic one. The department stood apart to me at UNE because of its genuine care. Every faculty member cares so much about their students. It fosters a great community.

Hands-on Learning

During my junior year at UNE, I didn’t know what to do about internship prospects, so my advisor — who is well connected with Maine conservation and preservation efforts — helped me. He thought I would be a good fit for Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge and put me in touch with the biologist there.

I went and shadowed and learned a lot. At the end of the semester, they told me that they loved having me and asked if I would participate in one of their summer internships, so the following summer I went back and was the Plover Intern.

From my experience, I realized that I really enjoyed the outreach part of the job. I think it’s so important to educate people and close the disconnect between scientists and the general public. I liked finding ways to make these issues matter to the general public during my summer internship. It’s not always complicated science. There is a way that everyone can understand the science and the importance of the environment and its parts.

At Rachel Carson, we work locally to make improvements, and we try to present that in a way that matters to the general public. None of the work we’re doing matters if people aren’t supporting it because there is a bigger picture. There are always going to be more issues — or bigger issues — that we could deal with, and getting the public involved helps the work we do greatly. It builds the impact that we can have.

Everyone made me feel involved in the program on a personal level rather than strictly an academic one. Every faculty member cares so much...It fosters a great community.

Animal Behavior, Environmental Science

What Will You Study? Environmental Science Degree Curriculum Overview

There are many ways you can navigate this major. We even have a 4+1 B.S./M.S. track that lets you complete your undergraduate and master’s degrees in just five years.

B.S. in Environmental Science Courses

The following are some examples of the exciting courses that you can take as an Environmental Science major:

  • Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Conservation and Preservation
  • Advanced Field Methods in Avian Ecology and Conservation
  • Sustainability and Ecological Restoration
  • Ecological Monitoring
  • Wetland Conservation and Ecology

Secondary Science Teaching Certification

If you are interested in becoming a middle school or high school science teacher, you may select the necessary courses in secondary education as electives, and complete the teaching internship required to qualify for State of Maine certification (grades 7–12) upon graduation.

Double Majors With Your Environmental Science Degree

As an Environmental Science major, you may opt to double major in another discipline. This popular way to enhance your career preparedness allows you to complete both degrees in four years and prepares you for the complexity of real-world environmental challenges.

For more information including current double major requirements and course sequences, contact the environmental studies department

Popular Double Majors

Environmental Science and Animal Behavior

This double major might be for you if your passions are to deploy a variety of scientific fields to understand human impacts on the environment and the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce. This training prepares you for work in wildlife management.

Environmental Science and Applied Mathematics

This double major might be for you if your passions are to deploy skills in statistics, data analytics, mathematical modeling, or spatial analysis, including Geographic Information Systems. This training prepares you for work in terrestrial or aquatic ecology, meteorology, toxicology, demography, natural resources planning, urban and/or regional planning, and related natural and social sciences professions.

Environmental Science and Biological Sciences

This double major might be for you if your passions are to deploy a wide-ranging set of scientific approaches (including ecology, genetics, chemistry, and physics) to understand human impacts on the environment and/or environmental health. This training prepares you for various work opportunities related to environmental impacts and mitigation, environmental research, and environmental projects with consulting firms. It also prepares you for graduate school in the biological or environmental sciences.

Environmental Science and Marine Biology

This double major might be for you if your passions are to deploy a variety of scientific fields to understand human impacts on both terrestrial and marine environments. This training prepares you for scientific work where land and sea interact.


Since 1991 the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences has defined environmental awareness as a major theme in the College's Core Curriculum and asked Environmental Studies programs to deliver the course Introduction to Environmental Issues to all undergraduates regardless of major. The UNE College of Arts and Sciences is one (1) of the few in the nation that requires formal instruction in Environmental Studies as a requirement for graduation.

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42
Program Required CoursesCredits
BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Ecology/Evolution w/LabCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular w/Lab4
BIO 350/350L – Ecology w/Field Lab (third year)4
BUEC 104 and 105 or BUEC 106 – Economics in ContextCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I w/Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II w/Lab4
ENV 100 and 101 or ENV 104 – Introduction to Environmental IssuesCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
ENV 200 – Environment and Society: A Global PerspectiveCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
ENV 220/220L – Conservation and Preservation w/Lab5
ENV 250 – Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective3
ENV 499 – Senior Capstone in Environmental Studies3
GIS 161 – GIS I: Fundamentals of Geospatial Science and Technology3
LIT 121 and 122 or LIT 124 – Literature, Nature and The EnvironmentCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
MAT 151 – Statistics for Environmental SciencesCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
Sixteen (16) Credits of Upper Division Science Electives*16
Two (2) courses from different distribution groups in the list of Environmental Studies Distribution Requirements6–8
Up to twelve (12) credits of ENV 295 and/or ENV 495 may be arranged with special permission from the Academic Director3–12
Total Credits55–65
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

*Upper-Division Science Electives – After consulting with their academic advisors, Environmental Science majors will choose at least sixteen (16) credit hours of upper-division science courses in Environmental Science, Biology, Marine Science, Chemistry, Physics, or Psychology. (This group of courses should be taken during the third and fourth years.)

Environmental Studies Distribution Requirements List

Group A – Conservation, Preservation, RestorationCredits
ENV 309 – Sustainability and Ecological Restoration3
ENV 312/312L – Wetland Conservation and Ecology w/Field Lab4
ENV 313/313L – Wetland Restoration: Science and Policy w/Field Lab4
ENV 316/316L – Land Conservation Practicum w/Field Lab4
ENV 317 – Case Studies in Preserving Biodiversity and Protected Areas3
ENV 397 – Topics in Environmental Studies (meets ADV requirement for non-majors only)3
ENV 398 – Topics in Environmental Studies3
ENV 399 – Topics in Environmental Studies w/Lab4
Group B – Environmental Policy and ManagementCredits
BUEC 390 – Environmental Economics (can also meet ADV requirement)3
BUEC 395 – Ecological Economics3
ENV 204 – Urban Forestry3
ENV 321 – Environmental Communication: Expert Practices for Ecosystem Management3
ENV 328 – Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife and Human Health3
ENV 357 – Sustaining Water: Social and Global Perspectives3
ENV 362 – Climate Change Adaptation3
ENV 397 – Topics in Environmental Studies (meets ADV requirement for non-majors only)3
ENV 398 – Topics in Environmental Studies3
ENV 399 – Topics in Environmental Studies w/Lab4
Group C – Arts, Humanities, and ValuesCredits
ENV 331 – Women and the Environment3
ENV 333/333L – The Nature Writers w/Field Lab4
ENV 334/334L – Contemporary Nature Writing w/Lab4
ENV 397 – Topics in Environmental Studies (meets ADV requirement for non-majors only)3
ENV 398 – Topics in Environmental Studies3
ENV 399 – Topics in Environmental Studies w/Lab4
Group D – Global Ecology and Social JusticeCredits
ENV 340 – Environmental Movements and Social Change3
ENV 341 – Indigenous Ecology, Conservation Biology, and the Politics of Knowledge3
ENV 344 – Environmental Ethics3
ENV 349/349L – Environment, Health, and Community Development in E. Africa w/Lab4
ENV 376 – Caribbean Sustainable Development3
ENV 397 – Topics in Environmental Studies (meets ADV requirement for non-majors only)3
ENV 398 – Topics in Environmental Studies3
ENV 399 – Topics in Environmental Studies w/Lab4

The Environmental Studies program also offers minors in the following areas:

Students wishing to pursue teacher certification in Life Science can complete a double major with Environmental Science and Secondary Education or a major in Secondary Education and a concentration in Environmental Science. For more information, see the Secondary Education catalog page.

Students in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.

To learn more about the program visit the Academic Catalog.

Green Learning Community

The Green Learning Community (GLC) is an intentional community of professors and first-year students dedicated to studying human relations to the environment. The year-long experience integrates courses in biology, environmental issues, literature, and economics.

In classes, you will find the same topic presented from different perspectives. You learn about the environment in an atmosphere where your opinions are welcomed and valued by supportive professors who foster a sense of community.

Much of the learning you do through the GLC takes place outside the classroom. The community-building experiences begin early in the fall with a retreat to Bryant Pond where you explore your individual goals for learning while collaborating in outdoor activities like hiking, paddling, and working through a ropes course. Additional field trips throughout the year take you to places like the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wildlife Conservation Lands, and the Portland Trail System.

The small class sizes in the GLC allow you to receive individual attention and instruction that help develop your academic, research, and communication skills.

Meet our faculty and professional staff

Helping Farmers, Birds Co-Exist

Discover UNE’s 363-Acre Forest

Career Paths for Environmental Science Majors

Through environmental science coursework, research performed beside our experienced faculty, and internships, you’ll acquire the knowledge as well as the analytical, communication, and life skills you’ll need for a career in the growing environmental science field.

As an Environmental Science major, you may pursue a number of rewarding professions, such as:

  • Ecologist
  • Forest Ranger
  • Air and Water Quality Manager
  • Environmental Analyst
  • Wildlife Manager
  • Environmental Scientist

Career Advising for B.S. in Environmental Science Students

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, Career Advising is here to help you plan your next step.

B.S. in Environmental Science Degree Facilities

Within a short walk or drive from UNE’s Biddeford Campus, you may explore a variety of unique habitats, including the University’s 363 acres of contiguous forest. The State of Maine Natural Areas Program has labeled the land a “habitat of significant value” due to its high density of pocket swamps and vernal pools. The area contains both uplands and wetlands, and is home to many species, including wild turkeys, deer, coyotes, and moose.

UNE is also home to the renowned Arthur P. Girard Marine Science Center which boasts top-notch seawater facilities, laboratories, classrooms and offices right in the heart of the Biddeford campus. The center offers 27,550 square feet across two floors for teaching, learning, and research. Our tidal pumping system and 550,000-gallon storage tank enable flow-through seawater to be distributed to classrooms and labs, ensuring realistic environmental conditions for research.

Our Biddeford Campus is also your stepping stone to some of Northern New England’s most intriguing ecosystems.

Local Habitats

Our campus offers environmental science majors the chance to explore the lush coast and rich woodlands of Southern Maine, including:

  • UNE Nature Trail is a campus trail system runs along the Saco River.
  • UNE's 363-acre forest is explored in many classes and is also great for mountain biking.
  • Basket and Stage Islands are accessible at low tide over the sand flats.
  • East Point Bird Sanctuary is owned by the Audubon Society and has views of Wood Island lighthouse.
  • Biddeford Pool is the largest tidal pool in Maine and is great for observing coastal wildlife.
  • The Saco Heath is a raised peatland (bog), home to the carnivorous pitcher plants (protected by the Maine Chapter of the Nature Conservancy).
  • Clifford Park is a 52-acre woodland preserve owned by the city of Biddeford and is great for mountain biking and cross-country skiing.

Regional Habitats

These protected lands serve as ideal day trips from our campus for environmental science degree students.

  • Mount Agamenticus Conservation Region is 10,000 acres of bio-diverse undeveloped forest.
  • Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge is a national wildlife refuge that spans 50 miles of coastline between York and Cumberland counties.
  • The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve expands our knowledge about coasts and estuaries with an emphasis on ensuring healthy salt marsh ecosystems.
  • White Mountain National Forest is 800,000 acres of federally managed forest and mountains in western Maine and New Hampshire. A 75-minute drive from campus.
  • Acadia National Park is comprised of a cluster of islands on the Maine coast. It is positioned within the broad transition zone between eastern deciduous and northern coniferous forests and hosts several species and plant communities at the edge of their geographic range. A 3.5-hour drive from campus.

Experiential Learning in the Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science Program

Whether you’re knee-deep in a vernal pool, collecting data in a salt marsh, or advocating for environmental protection, UNE’s bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science emphasizes learning by doing. Come get your hands dirty and your feet wet.

Clubs for Environmental Science Majors

  • Marine and Environmental Programs Club: Gives students an opportunity to become more involved and familiar with the marine and environmental science programs at UNE by connecting club members with both faculty and other resources. This club provides opportunities for upperclassmen marine and environmental studies program students to connect with new/underclassman marine and environmental studies students, meet and connect with professors to learn about research opportunities, learn about internships/job opportunities, build resumes, become familiar with all aspects of the marine and environmental studies programs, learn more about resources available, such as tutoring, and host events/community service projects related to marine and environmental programs.
  • Earth's ECO: A group of environmentally conscious students who work to inform and engage the community in activities related to the environment and raise concerns about issues such as conservation, pollution, and climate change. The club advocates for people to get out into nature to appreciate its beauty and become passionate about its conservation.
  • Honeybee Conservation Club: A club dedicated to promoting and organizing educational and hands-on learning activities related to honey bee conservation and bee-keeping skills. The club will work with other environmentally-oriented organizations such as Earth's ECO and the Edible Campus Initiative to maintain a healthy bee colony and contribute to UNE's overall sustainability.

Research for B.S. in Environmental Science Students

No matter what your interests are — examining the ecology of the tidal marshes in our own backyard, studying gulls that nest on roof-tops in nearby Portland, or working with Kenyan partners on community conservation projects — there is always a variety of faculty research for you to participate in.


UNE's environmental studies program began formal collaborations with the Nyando District Centre for Environmental Conservation in 2010 through Dr. Richard Peterson’s study abroad course Environment, Health, and Community Development in East Africa.

Project Squirrel

Project Squirrel started with a simple question: "Is the squirrel I see outside my window everyday the same one?" This question has grown into an ecological research program conducted by students on UNE's Biddeford Campus.

Saco River Estuary

The Saco River estuary is the focus of a research project aimed at sustaining the health of the estuary. A team of researchers and undergraduate students is currently studying the ecology of the estuary as well as the policies, regulations, and economics that influence this portion of the river.

Saco Watershed Collaborative

The Saco Watershed Collaborative is dedicated to protecting the irreplaceable water resources and benefits of the Saco Watershed. The watershed system collects, filters, and stores water and includes the Saco River, which provides drinking water for approximately 250,000 residents across southern Maine. Led by UNE, in 2017 the collaborative conducted outreach field trips and meetings to demonstrate the types of stewardship occurring in the watershed. Thirty-one organizations participated to help build collective knowledge and develop an action plan to measure progress and guide the next chapters of Saco Watershed conservation.

For more information, view the Sustain the Saco website or email Emily Greene.

Internships for Environmental Science Majors

Local, national, and global internships enable you to put your classroom learning to work by building life skills, networking in the field, and exploring career options.

For more information email the Academic and Career Advising Center at advising@une.edu.

Center for Sustainable Communities

The Center for Sustainable Communities is an internship and service-learning program that creates mutually beneficial partnerships between students and environmental organizations in the communities surrounding UNE's Biddeford Campus. Through hands-on involvement with local governments, nonprofit organizations, and community groups, you field-test academic learning in situations that help you “think globally, act locally.”

Possible internship sites

Local and Maine Internship Sites
  • Acadia Mountain Guides, Inc.
  • Augusta Water District
  • Baxter State Park
  • Biodiversity Research Institute
  • Black Rock Farm
  • Brook Trout Pond Survey Internship (GIS)
  • Camp Ketcha
  • Eastern Trail Alliance
  • LL Bean Outdoor Discovery
  • Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • Maine Geological Survey (GIS)
  • Microbac Laboratory
  • Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge
  • Rippleffect
  • Sierra Club
  • The Center for Wildlife
  • Toxics Actions Center
  • Biddeford City Hall (GIS)
  • Wells Conservation Commission
  • Maine Audubon Center
Out-of-State Internship Sites
  • Alaska Department of Fish and Game
  • AMC Volunteer (North County Trails)
  • Boston Museum of Science
  • Calder Summer Research Program
  • Echo Hill Outdoor School
  • Frank Corporation Environmental Services
  • Great Basin Institute
  • Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GIS)
  • Mission: Wolf
  • New England Board of Higher Education
  • New England Wildflower Society
  • Sandy Point Discovery Center
  • Student Conservation Association
  • Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
International Internship Sites
  • Global Service Corps
  • Peace Corps
  • School for Field Studies

Vernal Pool Research at UNE

B.S. in Environmental Science Fieldwork

Field Trips

Many upper-level environmental science degree courses include a significant field component. Through our environmental science classes you might participate in any of the following:

  • Weekend visit at an ecovillage
  • Conferences, such as the International Society of Tropical Foresters/Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yearly Conference
  • Overnight camping trips to UNE’s 350+ acre property and to the White Mountains
  • Visits to the offices of land conservation nonprofit organizations
  • Wetland surveying and monitoring at local bogs, freshwater marshes, salt marshes, riparian areas, and red maple swamps
  • Service Learning Trips with Cultivating Community, a nonprofit in Portland, Maine working in urban agriculture, youth leadership training, and sustainability
  • Field trips to local incinerators (Eco Maine in Portland and MERC in Biddeford)
  • Field trips to local Community Supported Agriculture Farms
  • Field trips to the Biddeford Recycling Center
  • Service Learning trip to York County Shelter, Inc. in Alfred, Maine
  • Field Trips to Portland Trails and hiking along the Presumpscot River Trail in Portland
  • Field Trip to Liberty Farms to see a horse-logger operation in Saco, Maine
  • Field trip to the Maine Forest Service office in Alfred, Maine

Field-Based Environmental Humanities

Our Environmental Humanities field trips allow you to step outside the classroom to immerse yourself in natural and human-constructed environments that enhance your understanding through direct experience. 

From your first semester, you explore the local natural landscape through different literary, historical, and philosophical lenses. For example, you might read Henry David Thoreau and then visit the Beaver Pond Trail, a local wildlife commons created and managed by a member of the faculty.

In your study of environmental history, you read characteristic New England landscapes — forests, coastlines, and waterfront cities — to learn how past interactions between humans and nature give significance to the places we inhabit today. You explore how an understanding of the past informs current environmental issues.

During these excursions, you: 

  • Explore the ocean surf and tide pools where the first Europeans wintered in North America.
  • Paddle the Saco River through the foothills of the White Mountains.
  • Bushwhack across a forest to reach Maine’s largest American Beech tree.
  • Canoe a glacial cirque lake closely resembling Walden Pond.
  • Tour by boat the historic canal system and walk the historic textile factory floor of Lowell National Historic Park to examine how 19th-century industrialization affected river conditions and laborers’ lives.
  • Read the forested landscape, searching for remnants of historic agriculture and forestry practices, and converse with longtime residents to understand the forest past and inform current conservation.
  • Tour urban parks and green spaces, expanding your appreciation of these places by retracing past visions and debates over their development.
  • Walk the coastline and trails of a historic salt marsh farm to explore the historic importance of past resource management decisions on coastal ecosystems and communities.

Global Education in the Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science

Aside from UNE's opportunities to spend a semester abroad, you find two travel courses — a fall semester course in Dominica and a spring semester course in Kenya. To enroll in these courses, you must submit an application to the Global Education Program. You are encouraged to apply for a Global Education scholarship when applying to these courses.


ENV 348: Adv. Environment, Health, and Community Dev. in East Africa

Dr. Richard Peterson

This is a Spring semester course offered every other year with a two- to three-week field experience trip to Kenya in late May/June. Semester studies focus on environmental, health, and community development issues facing the country today, set within East Africa’s political, cultural, and historical contexts. The trip features visits to leading universities, museums, and national parks, an overland journey from Nairobi to Kisumu through the Great Rift Valley, home-stays with Kenyan families, hiking in the Kakamega Rainforest, hands-on experience working with local partner organizations, and working with community-based conservation researchers at a Maasai-owned wildlife conservancy.

Watch Conservation in Kenya: A UNE Travel Course

Apply Today

Ready to begin your future in UNE’s B.S. in Environmental Science degree program?

four students hold potted chestnut tree seedlings in a greenhouse

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science FAQ

What is environmental science?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment. It essentially helps us understand how the world around us works and how human activities impact it.

Think of it like a giant puzzle — environmental science gathers all the pieces (from geology to biology to chemistry) to understand the bigger picture of how our planet functions and how we interact with it.

Environmental science is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. By understanding the environment and its complexities, we can work towards a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

What can you do with an environmental science degree?

Holding an environmental science degree opens doors to a diverse and impactful career landscape. Here are just a few of the exciting possibilities you can explore:

  • Environmental consulting
  • Environmental engineering
  • Ecology and conservation
  • Climate change and sustainability
  • Environmental policy and regulations
  • Education and research
  • Environmental journalism and communication
  • Environmental law
  • Urban planning and sustainability
  • Environmental activism and advocacy

This is just a glimpse into the wide range of possibilities. Your specific interests and skills will guide you towards your ideal career path. Remember, an environmental science degree provides a strong foundation for lifelong learning and adaptability in a constantly evolving field.

UNE offers a B.S. in Environmental Science on our unique coastal Maine campus. Through our environmental science coursework, research, and internship opportunities, you will acquire the knowledge as well as the analytical, communication, and life skills you’ll need for a career in the growing environmental science field.

What do environmental scientists do?

Environmental scientists are the detectives of the natural world, tirelessly investigating the intricate relationships between humans and our environment. Their days are filled with diverse tasks, all aimed at understanding and protecting our planet. Environmental scientists work in:

  • Research and monitoring
  • Problem-solving and mitigation
  • Policy and education
  • Ecology and conservation
  • Hydrology and water resources
  • Geology and soil science
  • Environmental chemistry and toxicology

UNE students that have graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science have gone on to hold roles such as ecologist, forest ranger, air and water quality manager, environmental analyst, staff scientist, and wildlife manager. Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, UNE’s Career Advising is here to help you plan your next step.

Learn more about Career Advising at UNE

No two days are the same for an environmental scientist. Their work is intellectually stimulating, physically demanding at times, and deeply rewarding. They have the opportunity to solve complex problems, make a positive impact on the planet, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

What is studied in environmental science?

Environmental science is a vast and interdisciplinary field, encompassing numerous sub-disciplines and areas of study. Here's a breakdown of the key areas covered:

  • Core sciences, such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, mathematics, and statistics.
  • Environmental processes and systems like ecology, hydrology, climate change, pollution, and conservation biology.
  • Human dimensions and impacts where you will study the interaction between the environment and policy and law, economics, sociology and psychology, communication, and education. 

This is not an exhaustive list, and environmental science is an ever-evolving field constantly adapting to new discoveries and technological advancements.

As an undergraduate student studying Environmental Science at UNE, you will take several dynamic classes and labs that cover these key areas. The following are some examples of the exciting courses that you can take as an Environmental Science major at UNE:

  • Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Conservation and Preservation
  • Advanced Field Methods in Avian Ecology and Conservation
  • Sustainability and Ecological Restoration
  • Ecological Monitoring
  • Wetland Conservation and Ecology

Learn more about UNE’s Environmental Science Curriculum

What is the best environmental science degree program for me?

Are you interested in studying environmental science? This list can help you decide which is the best environmental science degree program for you:


Decide if faculty expertise aligns with your specific interests and career goals. Also consider reviewing faculty research and professional backgrounds to determine the best fit for your educational journey.

The faculty at UNE's School of Marine and Environmental Programs are experienced, skilled, and supportive. They provide pertinent coursework and research opportunities that equips students to excel and confront the evolving challenges of our complex environment.

Meet faculty and professional staff in UNE's School of Marine and Environmental Programs


Take a look at the environmental science curriculum and see if it includes dynamic courses in conservation, preservation, and restoration of ecosystems; environmental and economic sustainability; and climate change.

UNE’s B.S. in Environmental Science degree program combines natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Some of the courses environmental sciences students take at UNE include:

  • Climate Change Adaptation: Planning and Policy
  • Conservation and Preservation
  • Environmental Movements and Social Change
  • Advanced Field Methods in Avian Ecology and Conservation
  • Sustainability and Ecological Restoration
  • Ecological Monitoring
  • Wetland Conservation and Ecology

The Green Learning Community (GLC) is an intentional community of UNE professors and first-year students dedicated to studying human relations to the environment. The year-long experience integrates courses in biology, environmental issues, literature, and economics.

Learn more about UNE’s B.S. in Environmental Science curriculum


Choose an environmental science program that aligns with your career aspirations and goals, including internships. Explore the available resources to help you plan your path forward.

As an environmental science student at UNE in Maine, you’ll be well prepared for immediate competitive entry-level positions in either the private or public sector after earning your bachelor's degree. UNE graduates with their B.S. in environmental science are also well equipped to enter advanced graduate school programs.

There are several opportunities for UNE environmental science students to gain professional skills by working collaboratively with partner organizations on conservation projects in southern Maine. Our students are often accepted into competitive local, national, and internship programs.

UNE Students can benefit from the support of the Academic and Career Advising Center, whether they have a clear career goal or a general interest in a particular field.

Learn more about Career Advising at UNE


Consider the location and environment that best supports your undergraduate journey as an environmental science major.

UNE’s campus in Biddeford, Maine is home to a diverse array of on-campus habitats, including dunes, wetlands, 363 acres of deciduous and coniferous forest, a mile of coastline, and our University-owned island. These habitats are home to flora and fauna that provide almost limitless opportunities for research and fieldwork.

Learn more about UNE’s campuses and how you can visit us

UNE’s coastal Maine campus is also your stepping stone to some of Northern New England’s most intriguing ecosystems. Whether you visit one of our neighboring beaches, preserves, or wildlife parks, or you take a weekend trip to Acadia National Park or the White Mountains, you will always find something in nature to learn about or explore.

Learn more about the facilities available to you as a School of Marine and Environmental Programs student

We also encourage environmental science students to study abroad and learn about environmental ecosystems and initiatives in other geographic areas. UNE's Global Education program offers semester-long study abroad options in Spain, France, Iceland, or our Morocco campus. You can also select shorter travel courses to places such as Ireland, Mexico, Kenya, Italy, Cuba, and more.

Learn more about study abroad opportunities at UNE


Consider whether the school you're interested in provides financial aid or scholarships to support your education.

A UNE undergraduate education is affordable. Our tuition is 16% below the average tuition for private universities in New England. Plus, all incoming full-time undergraduate students at UNE will receive Merit Scholarships in amounts from $5,000 to $22,000 per year.

Learn more about grants and scholarships available to students at UNE